Category: Fun stuff
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Nokia N8 feeds video to the largest cinema screen in the world

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What do you need for a home theater system? Usually you get a media player, a good sound system and a big TV or maybe a projector/screen combo. The Nokia N8 can substitute the media player as it can playback Full HD with true 5.1 channel Dolby Digital Plus over its HDMI output.

And don’t worry if your screen seems too big for the N8 to handle, Nokia tested that setup on a 1,428 square meter screen with a total of four projectors… Read more »

Watch two cellphones go head-to-head Transformers style

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Here’s a video that doesn’t need much introduction. It’s impressive as a videographer’s first attempt in DSLR video creation. The characters and the 3D animation are cool, as well. The video was shot mainly with a Canon 550D but they’ve included a Nikon D5000 as a sidekick as well. The second camera was used so that the author can shoot a scene from two angles simultaneously. The whole shooting was done in 2 hours, post took a good month.

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The Mozilla Seabird phone concept is a glimpse in the future, and has a nice video demo too

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Mozilla Seabird is a conceptual phone, unfortunately. After watching its video, you will want a time machine for sure.

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Nokia N8 is behind the shooting of this wonderful stop-motion short movie

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CellScope is a mobile phone holder/attachment that turns an autofocus cameraphone into a high-resolution digital microscope. The following stop-motion video was shot with Nokia N8 and CellScope. You can see the shooting rig in the final seconds of the clip.

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Nokia N8 interactive unboxing is here – Brenda, Suzy or Ryan will do it for you

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Nokia has made a very interesting unboxing video – it’s an interactive one. You can choose between two pretty girls and a guy to guide you all the way to stripping the N8 naked.

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PlayStation 3 finally jailbroken, 100 euro frees it from its shackles

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PlayStation 3 finally got hacked and playing games from ISO images is now possible. The tools are on a USB flash drive, which is currently selling for 100 euro. It’s expensive to be a pirate these days.

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First-person shooter RAGE demoed on an iPhone 4, ready to blow your minds in 2011

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I’ve always had a crush on first-person shooters and, as a matter of fact, good FPS games are what I’ve always missed most on my mobile phones. But maybe the waiting is finally over! After all, 2011 is just around the corner and so is the RAGE. It was demoed on an iPhone 4 during this year’s QuakeCon and all I can say about what I saw on the video after the break is: amazing!

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Don’t forget to share this video, says Sly Stallone, we duly obey, watch the latest The Expendables promo

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It’s rare that you see a movie with such a nice viral ad campaign. You shouldn’t miss this short video, in which Sylvester Stallone gives a quick interview about The Expendables, its latest movie, when things suddenly go wrong. For the bad guys, as least. Got your attention? Jump right in, it’s under a minute.

The Expendables

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StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty launches today, we have the honor of unboxing the Collector’s Edition

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I’m sure there is no serious gamer who doesn’t know what date is today. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is now available worldwide after 7 years of development and more than 12 years after the initial launch of the original StarCraft.

Starcraft 2Starcraft 2Starcraft 2Starcraft 2
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Collector’s Edition

As it’s one of my favorite games I pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition and it just arrived. This special edition turned out to be much better than I expected. In fact it’s awesome!
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Xbox 360 Kinect comes on 4 November, a bargain bundle with the new Xbox 360 Slim Arcade also available

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Kinect’s price and launch day are now officially out the door. Microsoft will release the Xbox 360 motion controller on November 4 for a price of 150 US dollars (with a Kinect Adventure game pack). Ouch, that’s kinda steep! But no surprise there, we knew that all along.

The information on a new Xbox 360 Arcade that leaked a week ago, turned out to be true. There is a new Arcade version of the new slim Xbox 360, and it will be also available with a Kinect bundle “in time for the holidays”.

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Xbox 360 Slim Arcade with 4GB storage on the way?

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Today slipped some details on the yet unannounced Xbox 360 4GB Arcade System Bundle. As the name suggests the new Arcade will be packed with a game (a Kinect one may be?) and most probably will be from the new Slim generation.

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Master Yoda in Tom Tom voice recording studio, left you must keep

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You all probably hate those lifeless or overexuberant voices on your SatNav unit. Well, TomTom obviously puts a lot of effort in changing that – including their latest Star Wars voice pack. They’ve got Yoda, Darth Vader and C-3PO voices ready for download (at a price, of course) with Han Solo coming later this summer. But that’s not what this post is all about. Nope.

It’s about TomTom’s funny viral ads for these voice packs – you don’t want to miss those. Read more »

Augmented reality games on mobile phones to become a true reality

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Qualcomm have a serious plan in action to make mobile gaming even better and more profitable. First is the Augmented Reality SDK they will release soon – free of charge along with a 200,000 US dollar developers’ competition.

The second part is even better and extends beyond AR games – the key word is interoperability. Specifically, make the games on several different platforms, connected in a peer-to-peer network for multiplayer gaming that is not limited to single platform… Read more »

PlayStation 3 Slim gets a white dress, 320GB HDD

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Sony is preparing a white version of their PlayStation 3 console. It will be available with 160GB or 320GB hard drives starting from 29 July. And as most good things in this business will be available Japan only at launch.

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Microsoft Kinect specs revealed, only two players can play at once

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Geeks have a soft spot for technical specifications – and now revealed for the first time, the Microsoft Kinect tech specs are bound for some geeky attention. A quick fact, the Kinect controller will be able to track you when you’re between 1.2 and 3.5 meters away from it. How’s that for starters?

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