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Apple plans to reimagine the Beats streaming music service, but it will probably be after the March event

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As you may remember, last year Apple bought Beat and has been pushing it as its premium audio provider ever since. Beats’ own music streaming service, Beats Music, was part of that deal and there was a lot of controversy surrounding the service and its future after in came into Apple’s possession.

The app is mostly unchanged, running on both iOS and Android, but Apple has recently revealed its plans to reformat the service and make it an integral part of iOS. With the Cupertino’s upcoming “Spring Forward” set for March 9, naturally hype has been growing as to whether the new service will be showcased, alongside the eagerly-anticipated Apple Watch, which is said to be the star of the show. Read more »

Google gives ‘Transformers’ for free in the US, ‘The Fast and The Furious’ in other regions

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Google has been celebrating its Play Store anniversary with some freebies and discounts. If you are in the US, you can now download the first Micheal Bay Transformers movie for free from the Google Play Store.

Outside of the US, people in Europe, Asia and Australia are getting The Fast and The Furious movie for free. Both these movies are available in HD and you can watch them on the PC, mobile (Android and iOS), Chromecast, or Android TV. Read more »

Microsoft releases Office 2016 preview for Mac

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Almost one month ago, Microsoft made the Office 2016 preview available for Windows. And today marks the release of the preview for Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

As you may have gathered, Office 2016 will be the next version of Microsoft’s cash cow, and it’s expected to be out in the second half of this year. In the meantime, though, the Redmond software giant is working on it. Read more »

Trying on the HTC Vive makes us optimistic about the future of VR headsets

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We didn’t think much of the VR headset technology so far. Sure, it made for some nice demos but we were slightly put off by the low resolution imagery on the Oculus Rift and the way the Gear VR required you to own and use a specific Samsung model. Today, we finally, tried on the just announced HTC Vive first hand (short for the cheesy Very Immersive Visual Experience), and we were floored.

Still at a pre-production stage, the whole thing looks a lot like a prototype with a special belt you have to wear to carry all the wires with you. But the demoed VR functionality was flawless.

We walked around the simulated environment, exploring it freely – getting closer to appreciate the fine details or stepping back to see the whole thing. But most importantly, we got the chance to interact with it in a way that Occulus Rift and the Gear VR don’t allow you to. Read more »

Imagine your SatNav software avoiding areas of poor cellular signal, Apple holds the patent now

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One of Apple’s numerous patent applications has been granted a green light today and unlike most other vague texts, this one is quite interesting, particularly in its implications. The Cupertino tech giant now has the sole legal right to produce a “Navigation system acquisition and use of cellular coverage map data”.

What this entails is a system, which is able to model SatNav routing options, based on cell signal strength. The idea is that you cell phone is pretty aware of the signal strength at any given time and thanks to anonymous data reporting, Apple has that information at hand. This can then be aggregated on a map and used to suggest routes that avoid areas with shady cell strength or even, perhaps, too congested places. Read more »

New Imgur iOS application offers browsing images in style

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Most of you have surely used Imgur’s services for instant and easy image sharing. The platform has come a long way since it was lunched, back in 2009. Today, Imgur is so popular that it is no longer merely an image hosting solution, it is now more or less representative of image sharing trends online.

Imgur has been capitalizing on that and it’s growing into a social network, rather than a simple image hosting website. A very logical step to further aid this development is to target the ever-growing mobile community in a proper matter and Alan Schaaf, the company’s founder and CEO, feels they might have finally achieved that with their new iOS application. Read more »

Gmail 4.0 for iOS brings quick actions to notifications

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Today Google has released the latest version of Gmail for iOS. Gmail 4.0 comes with a few new features, chief among which is the support for quick actions in notifications. So now when you get a notification about an email, you can archive or reply straight from the notification.

As this functionality is made possible by iOS 8, it will only be available to you if you’re on that version of Apple’s mobile operating system (or its later updates, of course). Read more »

Acer now preloads Swype keyboard on its smartphones

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Acer has signed a partnership with Nuance, the company making Swype, to bring the virtual keyboard to current and upcoming smartphones of the company.

Swype is now shipping on Acer’s Liquid S1, Liquid S2, Liquid X1, Liquid Jade, Liquid Jade S as well as the E3, E600 and E700. To enable it, you have to go to the input and language settings on your phone and change the default keyboard to Swype. Read more »

The rumored 12″ MacBook Air to offer Retina display resolution

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The 12″ MacBook Air has been in the rumorland for quite some time. As the Apple’s latest event is almost upon us, the rumors are once again ignited.

The last time we heard the 12″ MacBook Air is expected to enter mass production in the first quarter of this year and its shipping should happen through April – June. The device supposedly will be a high-end product with limited availability. Read more »

Google Drive 2.2 app update graces with Drag and Drop file management feature

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Google’s cloud storage app – Drive has been updated to version 2.2 which brings a nifty Drag and Drop file managment functionality.

Even after six years, Google still doesn’t include the File Manager for the Android devices. Read more »

Twitter adds internal browser to Android app in the beta version

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Twitter is testing an internal browser for its Android app, which has been enabled for those on the beta channel. It’s a server side change that will automatically be enabled without having to update the app.

The current stable version of the Android app includes an optional quick read mode, that strips the page of its usual formatting and presents a simplified text and image view optimized for mobile reading. This new update will put the browser in your Twitter app, so links will look exactly like they do in Chrome. Read more »

Check out the new ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ trailer here

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Just about two months left for Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron to release and they have now released the third and arguably the most badass trailer of the film yet.

The newest trailer talks more about the Ultron Program and how it came to be. There is also more of Ultron himself in this trailer and we also get a better look at Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. And of course, more of the Avengers themselves. Read more »

Instagram begins rolling out new clickable multi-photo carousel ads

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Instagram has started rolling out a new ad format, dubbed carousel ads, that the company says lets advertising brands share more images with people interested in their posts. You will be able to swipe left and right to look through these images, with a click-able Learn More button below them that’ll take you to a website of the brand’s choice.

“One way to look at it is carousel ads bring the potential of multi-page print campaigns to mobile phones – with the added benefit of taking people to a website to learn more. Read more »

Bloomberg: large-screen iPad will not enter production until September

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According to a report in Bloomberg, Apple’s previously rumored 12.9” iPad won’t enter production until September. Past reports suggested that the full-size slate will launch as early as Q2 this year.

The Cupertino giant allegedly planned to begin manufacturing the tablet during this quarter. Read more »

Titan X is the most advanced GPU from NVIDIA to date

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NVIDIA showcased the ultra high-end Titan X graphics card during a press event in San Francisco. The company’s CEO boasted that the newcomer is “the most advanced GPU the world has ever seen.”

Titan X is built using NVIDIA’s Maxwell architecture. Read more »