The integration of cell phones and automobiles have now become a foregone conclusion, with even base models offering up instant bluetooth syncing, allowing drivers to make and take calls and even stream music through their automobile’s speakers.
But what if your car can tell when you’re using your phone while driving? A team from Santa Catarina University in Brazil have devised a way to do just that. Read more »
So Snapchat isn’t officially available for Windows Phone, but that doesn’t mean that Microsoft-mobile loving users can’t enjoy some disposable messaging.
WindUp is an application that allows Windows Phone users to send temporary messages to one another. Read more »
Google, the internet’s good guy, wants to protect you against download links that lie. And they’re training Chrome to do this with the company’s new Safe Browsing initiative.
Google wants to safeguard Chrome users “against additional kinds of deceptive software.” What kind of deceptive software? Read more »
Although Bing’s far from being the king of the search engine roost, this hasn’t stopped Microsoft from adding features to try and lure users to use it to find what they’re looking for on the web.
The latest addition is giving users the ability to ask follow up questions in an attempt to narrow their searches even further. Read more »
So AT&T won’t be the first to introduce mobile LTE mediacast streaming, that honor belongs to Verizon, but the carrier doesn’t plan on leaving its customers out in the cold.
The streaming will roll out in stages, with the more robust LTE coverage areas enjoying the mediacasts first. Read more »
Google has been trying to get more and more students using Chromebooks, and now, as part of that initiative, they’ve released Classroom.
It’s a teaching tool that is completely free to use, and should help teachers cut down on the amount of paper that is stacked on their desks. Read more »