Posted in: Gaming

Star Wars: The Old Republic cinematic game trailer makes you wish it was a movie

The E3 game expo is now over, sadly, but come on, it continue for month. However, now it’s time to replace the tears of sadness with tears of joy.

A cinematic trailer of the Star Wars: The Old Republic has been released and it looks spectacular. The game is planned to launch sometime this year and according to various analysts costs its developers at BioWare $80 million.

Here’s the cinematic trailer in question.

This video is so awesome that I wish BioWare could make not only the game, but a movie to go with it. No doubt they’ll do a far better job than LucasArts did with the first and second Star Wars movies. The Star Wars: The Old Republic is expected to hit the shelves later this year, but an exact date hasn’t been announced yet.



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