Posted in: Mobile computers

BlackBerry PlayBook shows its multi-tasking and Flash prowess on video

Is it just me or is the BlackBerry PlayBook getting more desirable after each public appearance? This time RIM’s VP of Special Projects David Neale demonstrated that the tablet is perfectly capable of playing a FullHD video in the background, while browsing Flash-heavy websites and checking out images.

But that’s not even the most impressive part of the demonstration. What excited me the most was the fact that it was all done using just one of the two cores of the PlayBook CPU. Imagine the heights this thing can reach, when its full potential is unleashed.

In other news, Mr. Neale confirmed that 3G support for the BlackBerry slate is in the cards and they are also considering a QWERTY-enabled version of the device. Now please hurry up and get the thing to the market, RIM, would ya?



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