Posted in: iOS, Mac OS X, Misc gadgets, Mobile phones, Tablets

Apple posts its highest quarterly revenue and earning figures, sells a truckload of iPhones, iPads and Macs

There will be much celebration going on in 1, Infinite Loop, Cupertino right now and rightly so because the company just posted its highest quarterly revenue and earnings figures ever along with record-breaking iPhone, iPad and Mac sales.

Apple posted a record quarterly revenue of $46.33 billion and record quarterly net profit of $13.06 billion, or $13.87 per diluted share, which is up by almost 50 percent over last year’s quarter. Apple also generated over $17.5 billion in cash flow during this quarter and their total bank balance now sits at a lofty $97.6 billion in cash.

All of this money comes from some record-breaking product sales. Apple sold a staggering 37.04 million iPhones (up by 128 percent over last year), 15.43 million iPads (up by 111 percent over last year) and 5.2 million Macs (up by 26 percent over last year). The only product category that saw a decline was the iPod, with 15.4 million sales, down by 21 percent over last year’s. And lastly, for a ‘hobby’, the Apple TV sold a surprisingly well 1.4 million units. Do note that these are all actual sales figures and not shipments as posted by most other companies.

In other news, iBooks Author has been downloaded over 600,000 times since it debuted last week and iCloud now has over 85 million users. iTunes now has over 20 million songs in its library and helped generate over $1.2 billion in revenue for Apple. Apple Stores helped generate $17.1 million per store and got 110 million visitors this quarter. On the iOS front, Apple claims that the developers will have earned over $4 billion in total from Apple for their apps by the end of this month.



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