Posted in: Tablets

Trapper Keepers return as tablet covers

Before kids were whipping out tablets in the classroom, they were compiling all of their notes in swanky-looking Trapper Keepers.

Well if you’re feeling nostalgic for the days of lugging one of these bad boys through your high school hallway, then you’re in luck. Kensington has teamed up with Mead and Pee Chee to create a line of Trapper Keeper tablet covers.

They sport designs that look like they were taken straight from the 80s, giving you a pretty slick, retro-cool look to deck your tablet out in. Sure, it’s an acquired taste, but for covers priced between $25-$30, it seems like a pretty cool purchase for anyone who’s looking for to give some old-school love to their tablet.

Would you be, like, totally into picking one of these rad pieces up?

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