Posted in: Desktop software

StarCraft II rushes console games, becomes best selling game in July

People have waited for years for the StarCraft II to come up and now that it’s finally out – it is flying off the shelves. In July, it outsold every console game even if you combine the numbers from across the different platforms…

The best-selling console game NCAA Football 11, sold a total of 692,000 copies for the three platforms it’s available on. Lego Harry Potter came in second with 401,000 copies.

StarCraft II on the other hand sold 721,000 copies which is huge for a computer-only game. And though Blizzard say StarCraft II for consoles is “possible”, StarCraft for consoles doesn’t have a good track record (*chough*StarCraft for Nintendo 64*StarCraft: Ghost*cough*), so it would probably remain computer-only for the time being.



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