Posted in: Mobile computers

Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 to be restocked and sold in Germany, Apple asks ,’Pardon?’

Samsung Germany still can’t promote or sell their Galaxy Tab 10.1, but it looks like that doesn’t stop anybody else from doing so. This is probably going to leave a bitter taste in Apple’s mouth too.

german flag apple and samsung logo

Those in the know will be aware of Apple’s multi-pronged attack on Korean tech giant Samsung for infringement on patents pertaining to i-products versus Galaxy Tabs across various countries worldwide. Despite success in the German courts which initially suspended 10.1 sales across Europe, a somewhat peculiar revelation (the German courts suddenly realized they didn’t have jurisdiction over the whole of Europe) in turn only restricted sales to within Germany.

It now appears however that the ban yields even less power than was originally thought. As it turns out, although Samsung have no right to promote or sell the 10.1 in Germany, the ban ends there, any other retailers can stock, sell and even restock Galaxy Tab 10.1′s providing they don’t get them directly from Samsung Germany.

This means that Samsung could effectively re-direct their supply lines to provide German stockists with the Tab from any of the neighbouring countries or from anywhere on their supply chain. It appears that at best this will cause minor disruption and inconvenience to both Samsung and seller, but beyond that the Tab can still make its way onto shelves and out to consumers in Germany, meaning they don’t have to settle for an iPad as their guiding star as they can still have the whole Galaxy, happy days, well for everyone except Apple probably.

Thanks to Fady for this one.



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