Posted in: Mobile software, Online Services

New MasterCard feature will see users getting their online purchases approved with a selfie

MasterCard will soon start testing a new feature that will require users to just take a selfie to get their online purchases approved. The experiment will begin this fall, and will involve 500 customers. If everything goes well, the feature will be launched publicly sometime after that.

You’ll be required to download the MasterCard phone app to use the feature. They way it works is: after you pay for something, you’ll see an authorization pop-up containing various options. Just choose the facial recognition option, stare at the device, and then blink to snap a photo of yourself – that’s it.

According to MasterCard’s security researchers, blinking will help prevent someone from just holding up your picture and fooling the system. In addition to facial recognition, you’ll also be able to use your fingerprints to approve online purchases.

MasterCard has already partnered with almost every major smartphone maker including Apple, Samsung, Google, and Microsoft.



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