The day where you can take your TV screen display and roll it into a tube is soon upon us: LG already has an 18″ OLED display that’s flexible enough to be treated like a sushi roll.
What’s more is that the Korean manufacturer promises 60″ flexible screens in the future.
The 18″ prototype unit that LG is currently testing carries a resolution of 1,200 x 810. It gets its improved contortionist skills from the polyamide film that’s been stuck to the back of the display (as opposed to plastic, which is the norm). This affords the screen a greater degree of flexibility in addition to a slimmer waistline.
But bendable TV screens aren’t the only things LG has in the pipeline: the company has also developed a prototype transparent OLED display that has three times the amount of transmittance that the current crop of LCD displays offers. This serves up a clearer viewing experience, according to LG.
The tech and appliance giant plans on rolling out these displays on actualy TV sets sometime in 2017:
“…by 2017, we will successfully develop an Ultra HD flexible and transparent OLED panel of more than 60 inches.”, says LG SVP and Head of R&D, In-Byung Kang.
This means that a day where LG will be able to ship television displays in messenger tubes isn’t that far off.
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