Sony Ericsson came up with another brilliant way to advertise its new XPERIA lineup starting with an Arc video. They replaced all windows and windshields with tin sheets and then cut three holes for the XPERIA Arc screens.
It seems the two phones on the front windshield and the other on the driver’s window were enough for making this wild video:
var flashvars = { videoUrlHigh: "", videoUrlLow: "", videoBandwidth: "high", videoPlayerWidth: "600", videoPlayerHeight: "308", videoPortalUrl: "" };
var params = { allowFullScreen: "true", allowScriptAccess: "always", bgcolor: "#000000", quality: "high", wmode: "transparent" };
swfobject.embedSWF("/challenge-xperia/resources/swf/videoplayer/embeddablevideoplayer.swf", "flash_videoplayer", "600", "308", "10", "/challenge-xperia/resources/swf/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);
The purpose of this video is to demonstrate the responsiveness of the camera Exmor R sensor and the capable Reality display.
There are three more videos coming as a part of the Challenge XPERIA campaign. I can’t wait to see what Sony Ericsson has come up with. Just don’t try this with your own car, it might not end up so well.
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